Have you noticed how happiness books tend
to have one kind of message, according to which “club” the author hails from?
There’s the psychology or science message, the mystical message, the religious
message, the Buddhist message, ancient Eastern spiritual message, and various
messages from philosophy. We might add more, or you might argue for
subcategories in each.
However, a different kind of main message can be found
in each of these basic categories. But that’s not even the real problem; there's a big hole in happiness
guidance - a kind of myth that all happiness is wholesome and basically similar
I’ll save you thinking too hard and give
you a quick summary of each route to happiness.
Psychology: happiness is a state of mind that no
one thing in particular significantly influences, and we tend to settle back
to our “inherited” happiness level. The big new idea over the last ten years is
that leading a purposeful life, or flourishing, is important.
The Mystical Message: you are pure light,
and interconnected to all that exists. Develop yourself to reveal your inner
spirit and return to source.
The Religious Message: commit to serve God
and your reward will be in the afterlife.
The Buddhist Message: strive for enlightenment,
which is a transcendent state of awareness beyond the everyday world. You
should strive to benefit your karma to break the cycles of reincarnation.
The Ancient Eastern message: this includes
Hinduism, which says that you should do things to help others and for the good
of the world as part of achieving happiness and maintaining the world itself.
Also believe in karma and reincarnation.
Let’s leave aside for today the question as
to which one is right - a big enough problem in itself! Here’s
the really awkward question that never gets addressed. What about the guy
pushing the brush outside Tesco’s, or walking his rottweiler down Borehamwood high street, or an at-home Mum bringing
up her four kids, or the lifelong banker, or Sir Alan Sugar? What makes them happy? Is it spiritual enlightenment or doing good for others or achieving your deeper purpose? Really?
Let’s try
historical figures: what was happiness for the Duke of
Wellington, or Sir Walter Raleigh, or
Napoleon or Churchill during WWII? For each of these cases, how many – if ANY -
of the above happiness messages apply?
Most happiness messages – from whatever “club”
– only apply to a
minority of people,
even taking them altogether. Probably those who buy the books, or who support
that group – whether the science club, the religious club, the New Age set, the
whoever club.
But not necessarily you.
You are not like others, yet you will also
strive to improve your lot – your happiness – doing whatever makes you happy.
Even if your happiness is not what others might like, or even approve of. Who
says you shouldn’t? I grant you that the Law may have a say – but even that
varies from country to country. So who? The government? The Religious leaders?
The Inquisition? The scientific “Emotional Police”? We won't begin understand people, nor happiness, until we grasp
this thorny issue.
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