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Because HAPPINESS is misused. My theory is that Happiness is NOT the POINT of Life; rather, it is a POINTER IN LIFE. Making life happier is what I specialise in. Find me at abetterlife-uk.com and http://hertscollegeofhypnosisandnlp.co.uk

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Friday, August 31, 2012

Happiness - Discover the Hidden Truth

7.15 pm Wed 5th Sept Harpenden, Herts <venue> just £5

Some of you will know that I have just completed my PhD research into the nature of happiness. I made some astounding discoveries, and would like to give you an early opportunity to share in them.
Michael Fordyce, a major early contributor to modern happiness research, said that happiness may be the ultimate human paradox - it is the one thing people want most in life, yet the one thing they know nothing about. What did he mean?
Actually, I found that there is way more to this than you will find in any of the happiness guidance out there. Here are some of the big questions:
-        Is there a difference between feelings and happiness?
-        Are some people naturally happier? Why?
-        Are some kinds of happiness “better” than others?
-        What influences happiness?
-        How does goal-setting relate to happiness?
-        Why your goals may lead to unhappiness
-        The problem with positive thinking and positive psychology
-        What about spirituality?
-        Why does happiness matter?
Discover the answers and what practical steps you can take to achieve your own happiness, and for coaching others. This Wed, 7.15 at the The Friends Meeting House, 12 Southdown Road, Harpenden Herts AL5 1PD. <venue>

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